Agriculture Biogas Downloads 1989-1998 – Agriculture Biogas Biogas Unit – Developing Countries 1.1Mb 1991, Ludwig Sasse, Christopher Kellner & Ainea Kimaro, A Publication of the Deutsches Zentrum für Entwicklungstechnologien – GATE Biogas In Animal Husbandry: A Practical Guide 18Mb (157 pages) 1989, Uli Werner, Ulrich Stohr, and… Continue Reading →
Landfill Gas The anaerobic decomposition of buried organic waste produces landfill gas (LFG). Municipal solid waste landfills produce significant quantities of LFG, production continues after dump closure. LFG typically has a methane content of about 40 to 55 per cent…. Continue Reading →
Farms and biogas are an obvious fit. Compared to many other industries, farms and biogas systems are an obvious fit. Dairy farms and other confined animal feedlots, especially larger ones, are under increasing public and regulatory pressure to manage their… Continue Reading →
Community Biogas When considering community biogas, consider the large quantities of cow dung and other organic waste in rural areas. A coordinated community can produce significant amounts of biogas. Community-based or “biogas farming” can counter the rising prices of crude… Continue Reading →
Biogas Videos Construction biogas video for the ARTI Biogas digester Scania 12 ltr six cylinder Diesel engine converted to run on biogas. ARTI won an Ashden Award for Sustainable Energy in 2006.
Scale Biogas manufacturers NobleExchange Environment Solutions Pvt. Ltd – The Green Box See the list of Biogas Consultants and Companies from around the world. Industrialised countries commonly use biogas digesters where animal dung is available. Increasingly, large-scale biogas digesters are using dedicated fuel crops… Continue Reading →
Biogas Downloads If you are new to the Biogas world the following three documents are a great place to start… 1. Before Building Anything! What needs to be considered 2. Biogas Notes Introduction to biogas 3. What Biogas Can Do For You An overview of… Continue Reading →
The types of biogas designs are quite numerous. The information presented is from a paper titled ‘Biogas Plants’ by Ludwig Sasse. The designs are relatively simple and directed more at domestic and smaller-scale rural installations rather than large-scale commercial designs. In the first… Continue Reading →
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