Biogas Stove Design This biogas stove design page contains designs developed explicitly for low-pressure gas burners from digesters or storage holders containing biogas. The significant advantage of a gas burner is that the heat can be directed to where it… Continue Reading →
Academic Biogas Papers This academic biogas papers page contains a range of publications sourced from around the world. If you have additional and relevant material you would like to see added please contact us and we will include. 1981 – 1986… Continue Reading →
Chinese Biogas Manometer 69Kb CO2 Content by Syringe Protocol 12Kb Biogas as Vehicle Fuel 712Kb 2003, A European Overview, Trendsetter, Stockholm. Biogas Compressor Project, April 2008, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, USA (hand operated system). Biogas For Heat Recovery 1.0Mb 2009, Scaling up biogas… Continue Reading →
Landfill Biogas Downloads We are always on the look-out for new and relevant landfill biogas information to add to this download page. If you are an author, or come across something to share, please contact us to build this repository… Continue Reading →
Biogas Reports 1978 Biogas and Waste Recycling The Philippine Experience, Maramba FD, 1978, Maya Farms Division, Phillippines. 13Mb Biogas Technology in The 3rd World A Multidisciplinary Review, Barnett A, Pyle L & Subramanian SK, 1978, International Development Research Center, Ottwa, Canada 14.7Mb 1983… Continue Reading →
Biogas Case Studies Biogas case studies are beneficial as they allow others to review an operating system and study the lessons learned, providing valuable insight to improve and develop better systems. For instance, in the anaerobic digester at Farber Farm,… Continue Reading →
There is a now a range of household biogas appliances that will run off biogas to provide heating, lighting, cooking and cooling. Commercial scale cooking stoves are also used around the world. If you have additional items that we can… Continue Reading →
Tube Gas Digester The tube gas digester is a low-cost tubular plastic digester. It was developed by CONDRIT (Consultorias el para el Desarrollo Integrado del Tropico) in Cali, Columbia, in the early 1980s. The digester was based on a design… Continue Reading →
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