Small-Scale Biogas Design Below are several papers that can be downloaded for small-scale biogas design suited to domestic applications. Additionally, refer to the Design page to download plans for other larger or community systems. Mega Biogas Plant Design Compilation 42Mb… Continue Reading →
Tube Gas Digester The tube gas digester is a low-cost tubular plastic digester. It was developed by CONDRIT (Consultorias el para el Desarrollo Integrado del Tropico) in Cali, Columbia, in the early 1980s. The digester was based on a design… Continue Reading →
Landfill Gas The anaerobic decomposition of buried organic waste produces landfill gas (LFG). Municipal solid waste landfills produce significant quantities of LFG, production continues after dump closure. LFG typically has a methane content of about 40 to 55 per cent…. Continue Reading →
Farms and biogas are an obvious fit. Compared to many other industries, farms and biogas systems are an obvious fit. Dairy farms and other confined animal feedlots, especially larger ones, are under increasing public and regulatory pressure to manage their… Continue Reading →
Community Biogas When considering community biogas, consider the large quantities of cow dung and other organic waste in rural areas. A coordinated community can produce significant amounts of biogas. Community-based or “biogas farming” can counter the rising prices of crude… Continue Reading →
A biogas plant can digest materials readily available on farms, such as animal dung and crop wastes. In an urban context, a small biogas digester produces a clean, high-grade fuel gas and a residue that is an excellent fertiliser. The… Continue Reading →
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