Biogas Consultants and Companies from around the world.

Download the Companies Catalogue, who are leading the way in biogas technology and are members of the European Biogas Association.


Paul Harris Lecturers in Agricultural Engineering at The University of Adelaide and has specialist expertise in the design of anaerobic digestion (both liquid and solid techniques) and integrated bio systems. In addition to lecturing, Paul is heavily involved in disseminating information amongst the biogas community.

Utilitas Provide design, drawing, construction, commissionning , operation and maintenance of biogas plants. Technologies for available for solid waste and wastewater include CSTR, UASB, mCAL-U (modified covered anaeorbic lagoon Upflow) for biogas production. In design is a 665kWe biogas plant for Australia’s second largest piggery and another piggery for 200 kWe biogas plant is completed. The plants will also produce a high quality biofertiliser.


AVENAM Links Int’l Ltd is a Renewable Energy company in Nigeria, and was incorporated to bring affordable Biogas digester and generator technology to Nigerians. The BioDisc® treatment plants have been designed to provide an engineered package solution to meet a wide range of applications and discharge qualities.


ENNOX is an international manufacturer and developer of biogas components for waste water treatment, sewage and landfill plants. Company ounded in 2011 and has a team of biogas professionals and technicians, and a supplier of biogas technology and equipment in Europe.

Entec offers design, supervision of construction, commissioning and operational monitoring of biogas plants. The company concentrates on the design of mid and large scale anaerobic digestion plants.

EnvironTec has headquarters in Fussach at Lake Constance in West Austria. The company specializes in developing, producing and marketing gas technology components for a wide variety of fermentation gas applications in the bio, sewage and landfill gas areas. EnvironTec will also undertake the planning, conception and delivery of complete conduits and systems as well as their maintenance and inspection on behalf of the customer.


Bio-en Power Inc designs, builds and operates anaerobic digesters. It is a Renewable Energy company focussed on developing anaerobic digestion facilities with environmentally friendly energy producing technology.

Electrigaz is a biogas engineering firm specialized exclusively in the design, planning and realization of biogas solutions for farms, agro-food industries and municipalities.

PlanET Biogas Solutions was incorporated in October, 2006. PBS has designed and constructed twelve (12) anaerobic digester facilities throughout Canada. PBS is an affiliate of PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH, which is based in Vreden, Germany.

Greenlane provides innovative biogas technogology to biogas producers for environmentally friendly production of biomethane. Biogas upgrading from raw biogas to vehicle quality fuel is an application developed by Greenlane Biogas. The biogas production process typically generates a mixture of 65% methane and 35% carbon dioxide.

Yield Energy Inc was formed in 2007 with a focus towards the conversion of urban waste streams into energy and high value byproducts. Yield specializes in the planning, design, construction, commissioning and operation of renewable energy biogas facilities in North America based on the anaerobic digestion (AD) process of food waste and other organic materials.


ComBigaS is located in Hemmet and collaborates with a number of suppliers and designs biogas systems for use in Europe to Africa. They can provide advice from planning, installation, start-up and operation.


The Fenghuo company was founded in 1989 and manufactures a range of biogas systems from domestic units right through to large scale agricultural installations. They also produce genertaor sets from 700W to 140kW plus the full range of biogas appliances.  Products are exported to over twenty countries and utilised by SNV Cambodia and United Nations in East Timor.

AMOCO was founded in 1982 in Singapore and in 1992, AMOCO the business expanded into China, with the establishment of branches in Chengdu, Suzhou, Xuzhou, Kunming, and Guangzhou. The company designs, manufactures and sells their ISO 9000 accredited membrane products and engineering around the world.


Agraferm Technologies AG,  is based in Pfaffenhofen, Germany, designs and builds Anaerobic Digestion plants. It provides turnkey agricultural and industrial biogas plants in Europe, and operates internationally. Services includes project planning and construction as well as biological and technical services.

Biogas-Ost plan, build and maintain economical biogas plants. The company supplies customers mainly from: agriculture, industry and communities.

EISENMANN headquarters are located in Germany, but have offices or contacts in India, Brasil, China, France, Itlay, Spain, Mexico, USA, Russia and England. Eisenmann biogas plants are double digesters. The primary digester is a plug flow digester with a continuous horizontal agitator shaft and the secondary digester is a stirred tank reactor.

UTEC  Independent engineering consultants that are not bound to any manufacturer or technology. Extensive experience may help avoid mistakes and unpleasant surprises: their involvement in the development and implementation of biogas technology goes as far back as 1980.

NAWARO has offices in Leipzig, Krackow and Gustrow. Their bioenergy plants bring together the entire process of energy production based on biomass – from cultivation to the supply and processing of energy crops, from fermentation to biogas feed-in or the combustion of biogas to generate electricity and heat. On-site professional operator teams assure reliable operation around the clock using modern technology. The company can assist the farmer, a user of biogas, an investor, municipalities or a public authority.

Hong Kong

Along Environ Tech Ltd (AEL) was founded in Hong Kong in 2006. AEL has 6 years experience in the supply and installation of biogas plant and equipmentin Norway, Ukraine,  Kenya, South Africa, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, and Brazil. Their 5500sqm factory plant manfucatures membrane products,biogas power generation units and purifying systems.


Biotech have offices in Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikkodu and Ernakulam in India. The company can provide all necessary technical advice to implement bio waste treatment programs for the generation of bio energy. Also see the Kits section for small domestic units.

Panse Consultants Biogas design and general Environmental Services, Waste Management Services and Project Services.

Synod Bioscience develops waste management solutions for residential and commercial properties. With the head office in Cochin, Kerala, Synod has designed, built and now operates power plants handling large quantities of waste, and generating other financial benefits for customers. 

Our product portfolio comprises domestic and commercial biogas plants, sewage treatment plants, and effluent treatment plants that have already been implemented in properties all over India.

Urja Bio Sytems was established in 2006 and is located in Pune, Maharashtra, India. The company has a team of qualified and trained engineers who can design and install Prefabricated Biogas Digesters, Floating/Fixed Domes, Bio gas Storage Balloons, Bio gas Scrubbing Systems and Bio gas Engines. They also offer Biomass Briquetting Plants on Turnkey basis.


KIS Group are arguably a global leader in biogas and biomass technologies. They have successfully installed and commissioned 330 projects in 17 countries and have offices in Indonesia, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Brazil, Colombia and new office in Africa. The ZPHB™ (Zero Pond™, Zero Pollution™ & Higher Biogas)™ technology is very popular and widely used across the globe.


Biogas Engineering is an engineering company founded in 2005, specializes in the design and construction of plants for the production of biogas. It has installed 25 plants in the agricultural sector from 100kW through to 1MW.


BIODOME Asia is a part of the Kirk Group based in the United Kingdom and provide liquid and biogas storage across the globe. Their BIODOME® Double Membrane Gas Holders are used in wastewater, agricultural and municipal biogas systems throughout the world.

Integrated Energy Industries Pte Ltd have offices in Australia, Indonesia, Malyasia, Thailand and Singapore. The company offers expertise in: Converting existing diesel engines to run on natural gas, biogas or bi-fuel; Generating and producing biogas from agricultural waste; Compressing and bottling biogas for use on road vehicles and other prime movers; and Liquefying and storing biogas for use on road vehicles, earth moving machinery and electrical generators.


Sistema Biobolsa, provide high quality biodigester system designed for small and medium farmers. Based in Condesa they also have a showroom and regional office in San Juan Tuxco, San Martin Texmelucan, Puebla.


Bageshwar Gobar Gas Company (BGG) was founded in 2006 and employs 120 people. The company provides expertise in construction of small household biogas plants as well as larger scale units up to 50m3.

New Zealand
Natural Systems Ltd  Ian Bywater and his company have develeoped BioGenCoolTM, which is an on-farm energy system that transforms cow effluent into power that is used to heat and cool while providing greatly reduced electrical load. The system has been carefully researched and developed with the intention of how technology can deliver energy from renewable sources, at low-cost and with benefits to the environment through a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Colsen supplies several technologies in the field of biogas production, wastewater treatment and treatment of digestate. These have been successfully implemented in numerous projects for industrial and municipal customers.

North America
American Biogas Council is an industry association in the United States that represents a full range of anaerobic digestion technologies and projects, including farm-based digesters, centralized facilities processing a variety of municipal and industrial organic waste streams, and existing digesters at municipal wastewater treatment plants. They advocate for policy change in an effort to make industry investment more attractive.

CH Four Biogas has offices in Ottwa, Vancouver, and specializes in the design, installation, optimization and maintenance of anaerobic digestion systems for the agricultural, industrial and municipal sectors, and offers complete system engineering and design, construction management and system optimization and maintenance services.

FirmGreen is based in Claifornia and provides turnkey service to design, build, operate and maintain renewable energy projects, include biogas. FirmGreen technology is also used to process landfill gas into ultra-pure biomethane, which can be compressed on-site for fueling CNG vehicles.

RCM Digesters design and build anaerobic digester systems based on proprietary technology and expertise.  RCM Digesters provides a relatively simple solution for waste management and energy production for both family farms and large regional waste centers. The privately held company is headquartered in Oakland, CA, and has more than 100 RCM systems operating around the globe all use equipment manufactured in the U.S.

Vahid Biogas is based in Oregon, USA and was established in 2008 by David Williams. The company consults worldwide and has undertaken projects in India, Singapore, Hawaii and Sri Lankga. Project development includes: yield calculation, design, sizing, feedstock, siting, economic benefit and financing options.

Varec Biogas is based in Claifornia and began business in the 1930s. It is  alrge supplier of biogas equipment and has many installations in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, and sanitary landfills.


Biogas Helpline is a professional body created by a team of biogas experts to ‘promote and develop biogas.’ This was set up as they found, “that a large part of potential beneficieries are not aware of Biogas. The BiogasHelpline has been started to assist everyone in promoting and developing Biogas. The Biogas Helpline was born with the need to help distantly placed people who have some difficulties with design, construction, operation or usage of Biogas. The Biogas Helpline is based in Singapore, and is managed by Regen Energy, Singapore.


Bentec Bioenergies specializes in design, construction and delivery of ‘turn-key’ Biogas Plants for electricity production. Projects are developed in several phases including: First phase of analysis of economic viability, the intermediate phase designing and planning, and the final phase of plant’s construction.


AnoxKaldnes has significant depth and expertise in biological processes and specialises in Biopolymer production, Biogas and Biological wastewater treatment based on the MBBR™ technology. AnoxKaldnes is a part of Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, the technical subsidiary of Veolia Water, the water division of Veolia Environnement, the largest environmental company in the world.

Swedish Biogas International LLC provides agricultural, municipal, and industrial anaerobic digestion technologies. The compnay specializes in integrating with existing WWTP facilities and can provide consulting services for design and construction of digestion systems on a case by case basis.


AsiaBiogas is a large company which began in 1997 with a focus on providing energy solutions through a suite of technologies. It has a regional presence with offices in Phillipines, Indonesia and headquarters in Tahiland. AsiaBiogas currently operates in the niche renewable energy small power production range of between 1MW and 10MW. Over the past 10 years, AsiaBiogas has installed over 85 projects dealing with various feedstocks, including palm oil effluent, animal manure and ethanol.

Renewable Cogen Asia specializes in energy and environment, providing sustainable solutions in more than 30 countries. Areas of expertise exist in: biomass, biogas, MSW based power/cogeneration plants, clean development mechanism, carbon foot printing. Services cover Asia, Africa and other regions and customers include the following groups:
• Private sector
• UN / international organizations
• International funding agencies
• Government organizations

BioGasclean specialises in biological desulfurization of biogas and landfill gas. The company develops, manufacturers and markets advanced fully automated bio-trickling filters for H2S removal. BioGasclean has approx. 125 plants in operation or under construction in 35 countries and supplies clean renewable fuel to more than 300 MW gas engines.


Zorg Biogas has a full range of engineering services and has been constructiing of biogas plants since 2007. Zorg Biogas has designed, procured or constructed more than 55 biogas plants in 16 countries. Various technologies from simple single-stage reactors for silage to complicated multi-stage reactors for pure chicken dung or distillery wastewater, wet or dry process.

United Kingdom

BioGas Products Ltd are a UK based company specialising in process design and manufacture of Anaerobic Digesters and Biogas Utilisation Equipment. They provide products and processes to the water utility, waste, agricultural and environmental sectors. Specialising in: Process design and construction of Anaerobic Digesters for UK farms, Biogas cleaning, refining and storage, Tank cover and lagoon liners, and onsite stainless steel fabrication.

PortagesterUKBioplex make the Portagester ®, a new pre-composter and anaerobic fermenter for the treatment of farm and horse stable manures; food and catering wastes; trade, garden and local authority wastes. Depending to some extent upon the type of feedstock being treated, the plant is relatively odourless, clean and compact; sealed vessels prevent cross-contamination and disease risk from birds, rodents and insects.

Kingdom Bioenergy Ltd was established in September 2007 to encourage the development of biomass energy, especially in the area of biogas technology. The Company offers services in the form of consulting, design, and research and development in the area of biogas technology as well in the broader area of biomass energy technologies.

Vergas Ltd specialises in the design, manufacuture and installation of flexible membrane biogas systems, worldwide. The flexible membrane structures are tpyically for municipal treatment works, or soild waste processing facilities. The company has over 150 installations in the UK and worldwide.


Southern BioPower provide consultancy, construction, training services and feasibility studies for biogas-based waste management and energy, including hybrid solutions in combination with solar energy and combined heat and power (CHP). The company constructs, supervises and provides skilled labour, quality control for biogas digesters, and turn key project solutions in Zambia and other African countries.